Lisa is an excellent math student. She can make difficult calculations, and she participates in math competitions. As a result, she has a lot of medals and trophies.”


We can conclude that:

She rarely studies math.

She hardly ever studies math.

She never studies math.

She always studies math.

She sometimes studies math.

1-  Read the conversation below:


A: “Do you remember that it is winter in Europe?”

B: “That´s true! Look at the clothes I´m packing.”

A: “They are not appropriate. I don´t think they are _______.”


The alternative that completes it is:

warm enough.

cold enough.

small enough.

comfortable enough.

big enough.

In 2002, I went on vacation to Hawaii. It was very relaxing and the weather was perfect. On the other hand, there were some problems. Our hotel wasn´t very good. Also, the food was terrible and the waiters and waitresses were unfriendly.

(SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p.97)


De acordo com sua leitura, a viagem:

teve bom atendimento.

foi um fracasso.

teve pontos bons e ruins.

foi um sucesso.

teve boa hospedagem. 

De acordo com seus estudos, leia a frase abaixo e assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sua transformação para o caso genitivo.


The books of the students are blue.

The students’s books are blue.

The book’s students are blue.

The student’s books are blue.

The students’ books are blue.

The books’ students are blue.

A respeito das etapas de uma atividade de leitura, leia as ações a seguir:

(   ) ler para buscar sentido e estabelecer relações com aquilo que sabemos.

(   ) estimular a curiosidade para a leitura do título selecionado.

(   ) inferir significados e negociar sentidos a partir do texto.

(   ) avaliar o desempenho da leitura e sanar as dúvidas.


Relacione essas ações às seguintes etapas:






Após a associação, a ordem numérica obtida é:

2 – 1 – 1 – 3

2 – 1 – 3 – 3

2 – 3 – 2 – 3

2 – 1 – 3 – 2

2 – 1 – 2 – 3

Leia as frases e escreva T (true) or F (false) sobre o uso correto das “wh- questions” em cada uma delas. Verificar se as respostas estão coerentes com as perguntas.


I-  Where’s the play? In the afternoon. (     )

II- When’s the art exhibit? At the City Museum. (     )

III- What time’s the class? At 1 p.m. (     )

IV- Who is that girl? My girlfriend. (     )

V- What is this? An English dictionary. (     )


The correct sequence is:

F – F – T – T – T

F – F – T – F – T

F – T – F – T – F 

T – F – T – F – F 

T – T – F – T – T

Read the sentence and complete it with the correct nationality.


    My best friend is from the United States. He’s _____________.






Leia a seguinte notícia sobre um lugar incomum na face da Terra:

                                       The quietest place on Earth

 Imagine a place so quiet, you can hear your heart beat, your lungs breathe and your stomach digest.

The anechoic (meaning echo-free) chamber at Orfield Labs in Minnesota absorbs 99.99% of sound, making it the quietest place in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

 Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/travel/blog/20121022-the-quietest-place-on-earth. Acesso em: 13 dez. 2015.


Com base na leitura do fragmento, conclui-se que o lugar mais silencioso da Terra é:

um laboratório.

uma floresta.

um hospital.

uma cidade dos EUA.

um monastério.

Mark the INCORRECT sentence about the use of simple past - regular and irregular forms. 

She meet her old friend at the party last night.

You wrote good compositions. 

Mommy told me a story yesterday.

John tried to understand them.

Nobody liked the results of the game.

About your studies of “the simple present” and “the present continuous”, read the sentence and choose the correct sequence to complete it.

He ____________ “the Times” now, but on Sundays he _______ “The Observer”. 

is reading / reads

are reading / reads

reads / read 

read / reads

to read / is reading